April 30, 2007
Old Vantage Highway
Flats Above the East Bank of the Columbia River
1. Robinson's Onion: Allium robinsonii - Fading out of bloom.
2. Douglas' Brodiaea: Triteleia grandiflora ssp. douglasii (formerly Brodiaea douglasii) -
3. Bastard Toadflax: Comandra umbellata - In bud.
* 4. Thyme-leaf Buckwheat: Eriogonum thymoides - Beginning to bloom.
5. Bitteroot: Lewisia rediviva - In bud.
6. Franklin's Sandwort: Arenaria franklinii -
7. White-stemmed Mentzelia: Mentzelia albicaulis -
8. Obscure Gilia: Gilia sinuata -
9. Thread-leaf Phacelia: Phacelia linearis -
10. Matted Cryptantha: Cryptantha circumscissa -
11. Wing-nut cryptantha: Cryptantha pterocarya ? -
12. Cushion Fleabane: Erigeron poliospermus -
1. White Sand Verbena: Abronia mellifera -
2. Columbia Bladderpod: Lesquerella douglasii -
3. Many-flowered Thelypody: Thelypodium milleflorum -
4. Buckwheat Milk-vetch: Astragalus lyallii (also known as Astragalus caricinus) -
5. Columbia Locoweed: Astragalus succumbens -
6. Pale Evening-primrose: Oenothera pallida var. pallida -
6. Turpentine Spring-parsley: Cymopteris terebinthinus -
7. Gray Cryptantha: Cryptantha leucophaea -
8. Sand Penstemon: Penstemon acuminatus -
9. Columbia Cutleaf: Hymenopappus filifolius -