Wildflower Bloom Reports for Central Oregon

Columbia & Great Basins of Central Oregon

Wildflowers of Cabin Lake Campground: Deschutes National Forest

Cabin Lake C.G. & Fort Rock S.P.

July 11 & 19, 1998


Photo at right of Ponderosa Pine and Sagebrush at Cabin Lake Campground........July 19, 1998.

Showy Townsendia: Townsendia florifer

Long-leaved Aster: Aster chilensis

Leptodactylon: Leptodactylon pungens

Bailey's Buckwheat: Eriogonum baileyi

Green Rabbit-brush: Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus

Low Phacelia: Phacelia humilus

Obscure Cryptantha: Cryptantha ambigua

Woolly Sunflower: Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium

Hoary False-yarrow: Chaenactis douglasii

White-stemmed Mentzelia: Mentzelia albicaulis

Animals seen at Cabin Lake Campground

Western Tanager

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Chipping Sparrow

Brewer's Sparrow

Green-tailed Towhee

Cassin's Finch

Mourning Dove

Lewis' Woodpecker

Northern Flicker

Pygmy Nuthatch

White-breasted Nuthatch

Mountain Bluebird

Clark's Nutcracker


American Robin

Sage Thrasher

Loggerhead Shrike

Brewer's Blackbird

Brown-headed Cowbird

Red Crossbill

Belding Ground Squirrel

Douglas' Squirrel

Yellow Pine Chipmunk

Small rabbit (unknown species)

June Bugs

View at right of Fort Rock from the south.........July 11, 1998.
Wildflowers of Fort Rock State Park

Two-colored Phacelia: Phacelia bicolor

Threadleaf Phacelia: Phacelia linearis

Eriastrum: Eriastrum sparsiflorum var. sparsiflorum

Navarettia: Navarettia species

Rock Rose: Oenothera caespitosa

Woolly Sunflower: Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium

Narrow-leaved Paintbrush: Castilleja linariaefolia

Hoary False-yarrow: Chaenactis douglasii

Flat-topped Broomrape: Orobanche corymbosa ?

Skeletonweed: Stephanomeria species

Showy Penstemon: Penstemon speciosus

Spiny Hopsage: Atriplex spinosa

White-stemmed Mentzelia: Mentzelia albicaulis

Long-leaved Aster: Aster chilensis

Common Horsebrush: Tetradymia canescens

Bailey's Buckwheat: Eriogonum baileyi

View at right of Fort Rock from the southeast...........July 11, 1998. House Sparrow
Animals of Fort Rock State Park

Prairie Falcon

Barn Swallow

Common Raven

Sage Thrasher

Sage Sparrow

Brewer's Sparrow

Cliff Swallow

Brewer's Blackbird

Rock Dove

Sagebrush Lizard

Turkey Vulture

Red-tailed Hawk

Least Chipmunk

Black-tailed Jackrabbit

Paul Slichter