John Day Fossil Beds National Monument
Wildflowers of the Painted Hills Unit
June 23, 1998
View of the Painted Hills............June 23, 1998
1. Western Prairie Clover: Petalostemon ornatum
2. John Day Chaenactis: Chaenactis nevii
3. Chicory: Cichorium intybus
4. Common White Sweet-clover: Melilotus alba
5. Common Yellow Sweet-clover: Melilotus officinalis
6. Golden Spiderflower: Cleome platycarpa
7. White-stemmed Globe-mallow: Sphaeralcea munroana
8. Clasping Pepperweed: Lepidium perfoliatum
9. Buckwheat: Eriogonum
10. Buckwheat: Eriogonum
11. Shaggy Daisy : Erigeron pumilus
12. Cusick's Sunflower: Helianthus cusickii