Sitka Alder, Slide Alder, Wavy-leaved Alder
Alnus alnobetula ssp. sinuata
Synonyms: Alnus crispa ssp. laciniata, Alnus crispa ssp. sinuata, Alnus sinuata, Alnus sitchensis, Alnus viridis ssp. fruticosa, Alnus viridis ssp. sinuata, Alnus viridis var. sinuata, Duschekia sinuata
Leaf and seed cones of a Sitka alder (former variety crispa) as seen on Wedge Mt., Wenatchee National Forest.......June 8, 2009. Note the wavy leaf margins as well as the many minute teeth (of irregular size) along the margin. The cone is really a female catkin.
Sitka alder (former variety sinuata) as seen along Pine Creek Road just uphill from the bridge across Pine Creek, Grant County, Oregon.......June 3, 2011. Note the male catkins are blooming at the time the leaves are emerging, a characteristic of this species.
Paul Slichter