[Broadleaf Trees Found East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Beech Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington


Garry Oak: Quercus garryana var. garryana

Golden Chinquapin: Chrysolepis chrysophylla var. chrysophylla (Synonym: Castanopsis chrysophylla var. chrysophylla) Generally found from the eastern foothills of the Cascades west towards the coast. There seem to be some collections or observations near US 97.

Bush Chinquapin, Sierra Chinquapin: Chrysolepis sempervirens (Synonym: Castanopsis sempervirens)

Brewer's Oak: Quercus garryana var. breweri (Synonym: Quercus breweri) - Generally found from the eastern foothills of the southern Oregon Cascades west into the Siskiyou Mountains.

Garry Oak, Oregon White Oak: Quercus garryana var. garryana - Generally found from the eastern foothills of the Cascades west towards the coast. It has been collected in the Gearhart Mountain Wilderness as well as in the Deschutes River Canyon as well as in the lower and mid-Yakima Valley.

Paul Slichter