Green ephedra is a shrub to 1.5 meters in height. It is densely branched, with the branches being largely vertical. The bark has irregular, longitudinal cracks and is grayish. The twigs are whorled, gooved, and bright green to yellow green when young, aging to yellow. There are generally 2 leaves per node, generallly less than 6 mm long. The leaf bases are thickened, persistent, and brown.
There are 2 to 5 pollen cones per node, with each ranging from 5-7 mm long. 2 to 6 seed cones may be found per node, with these 6 to 10 mm long, and obovoid in shape.
Green ephedra is found in warm, arid habitats, often in sagebrush scrub, pinyon/juniper scrub, or in creosotebush scrub. It is found from 900 to 2300 meters in elevation.
Green ephedra is found over much of the southwestern deserts and intermountain west, ranging northward to the southernmost portions of southeastern Oregon.