Bebb's Willow, Gray Willow Long-beak Willow
Salix bebbiana
Synonyms: Salix bebbiana var. capreifolia, Salix bebbiana var. depilis, Salix bebbiana var. luxurians, Salix bebbiana var. perrostrata, Salix bebbiana var. projecta
Female plants of Bebb's willow growing in a moist swale near the Odessa Craters Trail (BLM) in Lincoln County, Washington.........May 8, 2012.
Close-ups of the female catkins and young leaves of Bebb's willow growing in a moist swale near the Odessa Craters Trail (BLM) in Lincoln County, Washington.......May 8, 2012. The long, narrow, gently tapered pistils on long pedicels are fairly diagnostic for this species. Remember to look hard at the pistils with a hand lens as one may at first miss that they are covered with minute hairs.
Paul Slichter