Discoid Goldenweed, Sharp-scaled Haplopappus, Whitestem Goldenbush
Ericameria discoidea
Synonyms: Haplopappus discoidea var. discoidea, Haplopappus macronema, Haplopappus macronema var. macronema, Haplopappus macronema var. typicus, Macronema discoidea
The photo above shows a close-up side view of the flower head, involucral bracts and upper stem leaves of discoid goldenweed, photographed at the head of Little Blitzen Canyon, Steens Mountain............September 1,
2011. Note the numerous gland-tipped hairs on the involucral bracts and ventral surface of the leaf blade.
photo at right shows the seed head of discoid goldenweed, photographed atop
Mosquito Creek Cirque, Steens Mt.........September 9, 2000.
Also known as sharp-scaled haplopappus, discoid goldenweed is a low, rounded,
, many-branched shrub from 15-40 cm high. The leafy twigs are densely white-tomentose
(See photos.), becoming glandular-haired below the flower heads. The leaves
are oblong or oblanceolate in shape, very glandular, and from 1-3 cm long and
3-6 mm wide. The leaf margins are noticeably wavy.
The flower heads are usually solitary (occasionally several in close cluster)
at the ends of the branches. The glandular-haired involucre is 8-15 mm high
with the outer bracts large and somewhat leaf-like. Individual bracts are linear-oblong
in shape with thin, membranous margins. The bracts are not shingled. The flowers
are all discoid. The 10-25 disk corollas are 8-11 mm high.
Discoid goldenweed is found on open, rocky slopes, often in talus at high elevations
in the mountains. It is often found between the elevations of 2500-3750 meters.
Discoid goldenweed is found from southeastern Oregon south to California and
east through central Idaho to western Wyoming, Colorado and Utah.
Discoid goldenweed, photographed at the head of Little Blitzen Canyon, Steens Mountain..........September 1,
Additional close-up photos of discoid goldenweed as seen at the head of Kiger Gorge, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon.........August 31, 2011.
Discoid goldenweed as seen with bottlebrush squirreltail (Elymus elymoides), oval-leaf buckwheat (Eriogonum ovalifolium) and cutleaf daisy (Erigeron compositus) as seen on the summit of the Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon...........September 1, 2011.
Another habitat view of discoid goldenweed going to seed at the East Rim Viewpoint, Steens Mountain..........September 20, 2015.
Discoid goldenweed at the summit of Crane Mountain, Fremont-Winema National Forest......August 1, 2020.
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The photo above shows discoid goldenweed as photographed along the Wildhorse Lake trail, Steens Mt........July 28, 2004. Note the wavy leaf margins and numerous gland-tipped hairs on the leaves and involucral bracts.
Paul Slichter