[Hawkweeds: The Genus Hieracium East of the Cascade Mtts. of Oregon and Washington]

Alpine Hawkweed, Low Alpine Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed

Hieracium gracile

Synonyms: Chlorocrepis tristis ssp. gracilis, Hieracium gracile var. densifloccosum, Hieracium gracile var. detonsum, Hieracium gracile var. gracile, Hieracium triste, Hieracium triste ssp. gracile, Hieracium triste var. gracile

Alpine Hawkweed, Low Alpine Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium gracile (Synonyms: Chlorocrepis tristis ssp. gracilis, Hieracium gracile var. densifloccosum, Hieracium gracile var. detonsum, Hieracium gracile var. gracile, Hieracium triste, Hieracium triste ssp. gracile, Hieracium triste var. gracile)

Slender hawkweed blooming along the ridgeline between the Lakes Lookout and Anthony Lakes Ski Area..........July 25, 2013.

Flower head of Alpine Hawkweed, Low Alpine Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium gracile (Synonyms: Chlorocrepis tristis ssp. gracilis, Hieracium gracile var. densifloccosum, Hieracium gracile var. detonsum, Hieracium gracile var. gracile, Hieracium triste, Hieracium triste ssp. gracile, Hieracium triste var. gracile)

The photo above shows the hairy involucral bracts of slender hawkweed as photographed on slopes above Horseshoe Meadows at the southwest corner of Mt. Adams.......July 27, 2006.

Flower head of Alpine Hawkweed, Low Alpine Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium gracile (Synonyms: Chlorocrepis tristis ssp. gracilis, Hieracium gracile var. densifloccosum, Hieracium gracile var. detonsum, Hieracium gracile var. gracile, Hieracium triste, Hieracium triste ssp. gracile, Hieracium triste var. gracile)

The photo above shows a close-up of the disk flowers of slender hawkweed as photographed on slopes above Horseshoe Meadows at the southwest corner of Mt. Adams........July 27, 2006.

Inflorescence of Alpine Hawkweed, Low Alpine Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium gracile (Synonyms: Chlorocrepis tristis ssp. gracilis, Hieracium gracile var. densifloccosum, Hieracium gracile var. detonsum, Hieracium gracile var. gracile, Hieracium triste, Hieracium triste ssp. gracile, Hieracium triste var. gracile)

The photo above shows the open inflorescence of slender hawkweed as photographed on slopes above Horseshoe Meadows at the southwest corner of Mt. Adams......July 27, 2006. Notice that the pedicels are much longer than any of the flower heads.

Stem leaf of Alpine Hawkweed, Low Alpine Hawkweed, Slender Hawkweed: Hieracium gracile (Synonyms: Chlorocrepis tristis ssp. gracilis, Hieracium gracile var. densifloccosum, Hieracium gracile var. detonsum, Hieracium gracile var. gracile, Hieracium triste, Hieracium triste ssp. gracile, Hieracium triste var. gracile)

The photo above shows a close-up of a basal leaf of slender hawkweed as photographed along the climbers trail above Hellroaring Overlook on Mt. Adams........August 7, 2004.

Paul Slichter