Common Eriophyllum, Common Woolly Sunflower, Oregon Sunshine, Woolly Sunflower
Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium
Synonyms: Eriophyllum integrifolium, Eriophyllum lanatum var. monoense

Woolly sunflower as seen
along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness........May 291, 2014.
Woolly sunflower is an attractive wildflower, with woolly-haired herbage and bright yellow flower heads. The upper stem leaves are linear, but the lower leaves are pinnately dissected. The leaves range from 1-8 cm long. The leaves and stems are covered with gray, woolly hairs.
Woolly sunflower has numerous flower heads, each with a dime-sized yellow central disk surrounded by 8-14 yellow ray flowers. A common plant of drier, often rocky slopes. Flowers from May to August.
Variety lanatum has large heads, with the involucre 9-12 mm in height, and the rays about 1- 2 cm in length. The number of rays ranges from 8- 13. The leaves are entire to pinnatified. This variety ranges from 10- 60 cm tall. It is found west of the Cascade crest as well as along the eastern edge of the Cascades, and may be found sporadically through southeastern Washington, northeastern Oregon, central Idaho, and extreme western Montana.
Variety integrifolium is shorter (10- 25 cm in height) than variety lanatum. It has alternate leaves which are entire or trilobate at the tips. It is found exclusively east of the Cascade crest.
Woolly sunflower may be found in open, dry places from the lowlands to above timberline.
Woolly sunflower may be found from southern British Columbia, mostly east of the Cascade and Sierra Nevada summits to southern California, east to western Montana, southeast Idaho, and northeast Nevada.

Close-up of the leaves of woolly sunflower (var. integrifolium) as seen along Forest Service Road #38-200 several miles southeast of Spanish Peak, Ochoco National Forest........June 14, 2015.

The photo above shows a close-up view of the
tri-lobed leaf of woolly sunflower as seen along the Highline Trail #114 near
the eastern branch of the Muddy Fork Creek, near 6900' on the northern slopes
of Mt. Adams........July 11, 2005. Notice how densely woolly the
leaf is.

Woolly sunflower as seen in sagebrush uplands on the eastern shoreline of Banks Lake near the Million Dollar Boat Launch, Grant County, Washington..........June 2, 2013.

Woolly sunflower blooming on scablands atop Bickleton Ridge in the Bickleton Ridge Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area........June 17, 2017.
Woolly sunflower spotted along the Pine Creek Trail #201 about one-half of a mile northwest of the Roads End Trailhead, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness......June 7, 2023.

The photo above shows woolly sunflower as seen
along the Highline Trail #114 near the eastern branch of the Muddy Fork Creek,
near 6900' on the northern slopes of Mt. Adams.........July 11, 2005.

Common woolly sunflower as seen on serpentine gravels along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.......June 21, 2011.