Canada Cocklebur, Common Cocklebur
Xanthium strumarium
Synonyms: Xanthium strumarium var. canadense, Xanthium strumarium var. glabratum, Xanthium strumarium var. oviforme, Xanthium strumarium var. pensylvanicum, Xanthium strumarium var. wootonii

Rough cocklebur viewed on a gravel bar on the east bank of the John Day River directly across from the camp ground at Cottonwood Canyon State Park........October 25, 2017.

Common cocklebur on the beach at Dalton Point in the western Columbia River Gorge..........September 1, 2007.
Common cocklebur as seen on the west bank of the Deschutes River at its mouth..........October 7, 2006.

Common cocklebur as seen on the west bank of the Deschutes River at its mouth..........October 7, 2006.
These photos show habitat views as well as close-ups of the mature fruits of common cocklebur as seen along the John Day River about 2.5 miles upstream along the Hardstone Trail in Cottonwood Canyon State Park and adjacent BLM lands.......October 28, 2020. In the habitat views, the common cocklebur appears a rusty color along the cobble beach..
Paul Slichter