[Beggarticks: The Genus Bidens East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Devil's Beggarticks, Leafy Beggarticks, Sticktight, Devil's Pitchfork

Bidens frondosa

Devil's Beggarticks, Leafy Beggarticks, Sticktight, Devil's Pitchfork: Bidens frondosa

The photo above shows a close-up of the leafy bracts at the base of the flower head of leafy beggarticks as seen from Dalton Point, Columbia River Gorge............October 12, 2006. The flower head seen above is starting to go to seed so is not representative of the appearance of the head in full bloom. Note also the outer involucral bracts, which are long and narrow and longer than the inner ring of bracts. This species has 5-8 outer bracts while tall beggar-ticks (Bidens vulgata) has 10-16 outer bracts.



Similar Species:

Nodding beggartick: Bidens cernua - The leaves of nodding beggar tick typically sessile (except occasionally the lowermost) and are simple with pinnate venation. The flower heads have a ring of ray flowers around the outer margin.


Leafy beggarticks are found in low wet places such as in ditches, vernal ponds, and the margins of rivers and streams.

Devil's Beggarticks, Leafy Beggarticks, Sticktight, Devil's Pitchfork: Bidens frondosa

The photo above shows a close-up of the ternately compound leaf of leafy beggartick as seen at a spring immediately to the west of Dalton Point, Columbia River Gorge..............October 12, 2006.

Paul Slichter