[Sedges: The Genus Carex East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Douglas' Sedge

Carex douglasii

Female plants of Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii

Female plants of Douglas' sedge as seen in vernally moist meadows along an old road along Rock Creek upstream of Hot Springs Campground, Hart Mt. National Antelope Refuge..........June 9, 2016.

Inflorescence of what may be Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii

Inflorescence of a male plant of what might be Douglas' sedge as seen in moist meadows along Pine Creek Road near its junction with US Highway 26, Grant County, Oregon.........June 3, 2011.

Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii

Male plant of Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii

What might be Douglas' sedge as seen in moist meadows along Pine Creek Road near its junction with US Highway 26, Grant County, Oregon........June 3, 2011. No female plants were observed to check the perigynia, so these plants could be the similar blackcreeper sedge (Carex praegracilis), although that plant has blackish plant bases and rhizomes while these appeared to be brownish.

Inflorescence of male plant of Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii - Male plant of what might be Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii - Male plants of what might be Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii

What might be Douglas' sedge as seen in alkaline swales along FS Road #1647 in southeastern Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest, Grant County, Oregon...........June 3, 2011. No female plants were observed to check the perigynia, so these plants could be the similar blackcreeper sedge (Carex praegracilis).

Douglas' Sedge: Carex douglasii

Douglas' sedge observed along the Umtanum Falls Trail, Yakima County, WA.......May 25, 2019.

Paul Slichter