Small-flowered Woodrush
Luzula parviflora
Synonyms: Juncus parviflorus, Luzula divaricata, Luzula fastigiata, Luzula parviflora ssp. fastigiata, Luzula parviflora var. melanocarpa, Luzula parviflora ssp. melanocarpa, Luzula parviflora ssp. parviflora, Luzula parviflora var. parviflora
Small-flowered woodrush as seen in the lee of a large in moist meadows along the North Loop Road about one mile downhill of the Kiger Gorge Overlook, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon........September 2, 2011.
Close-up of the inflorescence of small-flowered woodrush as seen in moist meadows around an old reservoir about one mile uphill from Olive Lake, Umatilla National Forest..........July 28, 2013.
A close-up of the pendant spikes of the inflorescence of small-flowered woodrush as seen in moist meadows along the North Loop Road about one mile downhill of the Kiger Gorge Overlook, Steens Mountain, Harney County, Oregon.........September 2, 2011.
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What appears to be small-flowered woodrush as seen atop the Lakes Lookout, Wallowa-Whitman National Forest.......July 25, 2013. The leaves look to green to be Piper's woodrush.
Small-flowered woodrush as seen at milepost 35.5 on forest road #23 on the northwestern slopes of Mt. Adams........September 28, 2008.
Paul Slichter