Creeping Wildrye, Quackgrass
Elymus repens
Synonyms: Agropyron caesium, Agropyron repens, Agropyron repens var. subulatum, Elytrigia repens, Elytrigia repens var. repens, Elytrigia repens var. vaillantiana, Elytrigia vaillantiana, Triticum repens, Triticum vaillantianum
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Close-up views details of the inflorescence and leaf sheath of quackgrass as seen along forest road #3521, Wenatchee National Forest.........August 13, 2009.
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Quackgrass observed in Big Creek Campground, Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest......July 9, 2023.
An old pasture full of quackgrass observed along the Military Road at Eightmile Creek, Columbia Hills Historical State Park.....March 6, 2023.
This non-native grass is densely rhizomatous and large populations can prevent many native forbs from surviving wherever it becomes established.
Paul Slichter