[Ferns East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

American Rockbrake, American Parsley Fern

Cryptogramma acrostichoides

Synonyms: Cryptogramma crispa ssp. acrostichoides, Cryptogramma crispa var. acrostichoides

American Rockbrake, American Parsley Fern: Cryptogramma acrostichoides (Synonyms: Cryptogramma crispa ssp. acrostichoides, Cryptogramma crispa var. acrostichoides)

American rockbrake growing on a talus slope on Strawberry Mountain, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness..........August 19, 2011. The grass at front left might possibly be spike trisetum (Trisetum spicatum). Note the green petioles.

American Rockbrake, American Parsley Fern: Cryptogramma acrostichoides (Synonyms: Cryptogramma crispa ssp. acrostichoides, Cryptogramma crispa var. acrostichoides) - American Rockbrake, American Parsley Fern: Cryptogramma acrostichoides (Synonyms: Cryptogramma crispa ssp. acrostichoides, Cryptogramma crispa var. acrostichoides)

American rockbrake growing on a talus slope on Strawberry Mountain, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 19, 2011.

Paul Slichter