Spring Water-starwort, Spring Water Starwort,
Vernal Water-starwort, Vernal Water Starwort
Callitriche palustris
Synonyms: Callitriche anceps, Callitriche palustris var. verna, Callitriche verna
This photo shows a close-up of spring water starwort as seen in small ponds along Forest Road #4670 next to Billy Meadows Guard Station in the northern Wallowa-Whitman N.F...........June 26, 2008. Note that the submerged leaves are linear with a single nerve and notched at the tip while the floating leaves are broader or narrowly ovate in shape.
Spring water starwort as seen in small ponds along Forest Road #4670 next to Billy Meadows Guard Station in the northern Wallowa-Whitman N.F.........June 26, 2008.
What appears to be spring water starwort as seen in small ponds along the west side of Forest Road #16 at the west side of Summit Prairie, Malheur N.F.........May 28, 2014.
Paul Slichter