[Wildflowers East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Aquatic Flora Found East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

Nuttall's Quillwort: Isoetes nuttallii (Synonyms: Isoetes opaca, Isoetes suksdorfii)

Nuttall's quillwort as seen on a muddy shoreline in western Klickitat County, Washington........June 17, 2013.

Skunk Cabbage: The Arum Family

The Arum Family

The Bladderwort Family

The Bur-reed Family

The Cat-tail Family

The Duckweed Family

The Frog's-bit Family

The Hornwort Family

The Pondweed Family

The Quillwort Family

The Scheuchzeria Family

The Waterlily Family

The Water Plantain Family

The Water-starwort Family

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