Milbert's Tortoiseshell, Nettle Tortoiseshell, Fire-rim Tortoiseshelll
Nymphalis milberti
A Milbert's tortoiseshell observed at left along the Hells Canyon Rim Road, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area......June 28, 2008. The photo at center shows a Milbert's tortoiseshell on Oregon sunshine (Eriophyllum lanatum var. integrifolium) along the Skyline Trail #385 about half a mile east, downhill from the High Lake Rim Trailhead, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.....July 8, 2023. The photo at right shows a Milbert's tortoiseshell and an unidentified anglewing on mountain heliotrope (Valeriana sitchensis) along the Skyline Trail #385 about half a mile east, downhill from the High Lake Rim Trailhead, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.....July 8, 2023.
Paul Slichter