[Wood Nymphs and Arctics East of the Cascade Mts.]

Great Arctic

Oeneis nevadensis

The photos on this page show the upperwings of a great arctic as seen along the Island Springs Trail #66 atop the Island, a ridge on the eastern slopes of Mt. Adams.................August 12, 2006. Both the upper and lower surfaces of the forewing bear two eyespots, partially visible in these photos.

The photo above shows a great arctic hiding amongst grasses. Because of the grayish-brown coloration of the underwings, this butterfly is very hard to see before they dart into the air to avoid being stepped on. They then fly strongly away, often landing amongst grass or on downed logs where they again escape detection. They can be seen early in May on the southeastern flanks of Mt. Adams until late August at higher elevations.

Paul Slichter