Square-spotted Blue
Euphilotes battoides

This photo shows the upper wing surface of a square-spotted blue mudding on moist soils at Buckhorn Lookout on the western edge of the Imnaha Canyon in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest..........June 27, 2008. Note the orangish spots on the upper surface of the hind wing.

This photo shows a close-up of the ventral wing surface of a square-spotted blue mudding on moist soils at Buckhorn Lookout on the western edge of the Imnaha Canyon in the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest...........June 27, 2008.

The photo above shows a square-spotted blue mudding along the trail that descends from Buckhorn Lookout towards Eureka Bar on the Snake River in Hells Canyon NRA..........June 27, 2008.

Square-spotted blue mudding on moist soils along an old road next to Rock Creek upstream of Hot Springs Campground, Hart Mt. National Antelope Refuge..........June 9, 2016.

The photo above shows a square-spotted blue on the flowers of wyeth buckwheat (Eriogonum heracloides) as seen at Granny View on July 10, 2007.
Paul Slichter