Melissa's Blue
Lycaedes melissa
Two Melissa's blues mating at left atop Greene's goldenweed (Ericameria greenei). The photo at right shows a Melissa's blue nectaring on the flowers of thick-stemmed aster (Eurybia integrifolia). Both photographs taken along the Lick Creek Trail and on the Imnaha Divde (uphill to the west of that trail), Eagle Cap Wilderness and Hells Canyon National Recreation Area........August 11, 2018.

The photo above shows the upper surfaces of both wings of a melissa's blue as seen along Simcoe Butte Road in the Simcoe Mts. of north-central Klickitat County, WA.........June 16, 2007.

The photo above shows the ventral surfaces of both wings of a melissa's blue as seen along Simcoe Butte Road in the Simcoe Mts. of north-central Klickitat County, WA...........June 16, 2007.
Paul Slichter