[The Genus Phacelia East of the
Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
Humble Phacelia, Low Phacelia
Phacelia humilis
Synonym: Phacelia humilis var. humilis

A close-up of the flowers of low phacelia as seen on east-facing slopes near the top of Burch Mt., several miles to the north of Wenatchee, WA........June 6, 2009.

A close-up sideview of the flowers of low phacelia as seen on east-facing slopes near the top of Burch Mt., several miles to the north of Wenatchee, WA........June 6, 2009.

The photo above shows a close-up of low phacelia as seen at the summit of Domingo Pass in the Pueblo Mts. of southeastern Oregon.........June 29,
2004. Note the leaves with entire margins.

The photo above shows a close-up of the flowers of low phacelia as seen at the summit of Domingo Pass in the Pueblo Mts. of southeastern Oregon...........June 19, 2004. Note the spreading white hairs on the filaments.

The photo above shows a close-up of low phacelia as seen at the summit of Domingo Pass in the Pueblo Mts. of southeastern Oregon..........May 1, 2004.
Paul Slichter