English Sundew, Giant Sundew, Great Sundew, Line-leaved Sundew
Drosera anglica
Synonym: Drosera longifolia

English sundew as seen in a floating bog about a mile or so south of Goodrich Meadows, Colville National Forest..........June 24, 2016.

The photo above shows great sundew as seen in the wet sphagnum soils of Swampy Meadows on the western slopes of Mt. Adams.........September 6, 2008.

Great sundew as seen at moist meadows at Babyshoe Pass along Forest Road #23 on the western slopes of Mt. Adams........July
25, 2005. Note the numerous long, gland-tipped hairs on all sides of
the the leaf blade which are used to trap insects and other small, animal prey.

Great sundew as seen at moist meadows at Babyshoe Pass along
Forest Road #23 on the western slopes of Mt. Adams........July 25, 2005.

Great sundew as seen in very moist meadows along Forest Road 23 at Babyshoe Pass, northwestern slopes of Mt. Adams...........August 27, 2012.

A large clump of great sundew atop a small downed log over a pool in upper Muddy Meadows, northern flanks of Mt. Adams..........August 28, 2012.
Additional photos of great sundew as seen in moist meadows around pools and slow-moving streams in Swampy Meadows, western slopes of Mt. Adams.............August 30, 2012.
Paul Slichter