[Firethorns: The Genus Pyracantha East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Firethorn, Scarlet Firethorn

Pyracantha coccinea

Synonym: Cotoneaster pyracantha

Firethorn, Scarlet Firethorn: Pyracantha coccinea (Synonym: Cotoneaster pyracantha) - Firethorn, Scarlet Firethorn: Pyracantha coccinea (Synonym: Cotoneaster pyracantha)

Firethorn, Scarlet Firethorn: Pyracantha coccinea (Synonym: Cotoneaster pyracantha) - Firethorn, Scarlet Firethorn: Pyracantha coccinea (Synonym: Cotoneaster pyracantha)

Firethorns with maturing clusters of fruits observed at a private residence between the Little Spokane River and Five Mile, Spokane County, WA......October 1, 2022.

Paul Slichter