[The Rose Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Halfshrub Rockmat, Chelan Rockmat

Petrophyton cinerascens

Synonyms: Petrophyton cinerascens, Spiraea cinerascens

Basal leaf rosette of Halfshrub Rockmat, Chelan Rockmat: Petrophyton cinerascens (Synonyms: Petrophyton cinerascens, Spiraea cinerascens)

The basal leaf rosettes of Chelan rockmat as seen on cliffs above the Columbia River near Wenatchee, WA........June 7, 2009.

Halfshrub Rockmat, Chelan Rockmat: Petrophyton cinerascens (Synonyms: Petrophyton cinerascens, Spiraea cinerascens)

Chelan rockmat as seen on cliffs above the Columbia River near Wenatchee, WA.......June 7, 2009.

Basal leaf rosette of Halfshrub Rockmat, Chelan Rockmat: Petrophyton cinerascens (Synonyms: Petrophyton cinerascens, Spiraea cinerascens)

An additional view of the basal leaf rosettes of Chelan rockmat as seen on cliffs above the Columbia River near Wenatchee, WA.......June 7, 2009.

Paul Slichter