[The Rose Family East of the Cascade Mts.of Oregon and Washington]

The Genus Ivesia East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

Bear's Ivesia: Ivesia gordonii var. ursinorum

Bailey's Ivesia, Owyhee Ivesia: Ivesia baileyi var. beneolens - A small tufted plant with small white flowers on sparsely leafed stems spreading to ascending from 5-17 cm. The inflorescence is an open, branched cyme. The petals are shorter than the sepals. A plant of cliffside cracks and crevices.

Golden Ivesia, Gordon's Ivesia: Ivesia gordonii var. alpicola (Synonym: Ivesia gordonii)

Bear's Ivesia, Golden Ivesia, Gordon's Ivesia: Ivesia gordonii var. ursinorum (Synonym: Ivesia gordonii) - A small tufted plant with dense clusters of small yellowish flowers on 5-15 cm leafless stems. The leaves are basal and are pinnately compound with many leaflets, each deeply cut into 3-5 or more small segments. The stems are dark red and are prostrate to ascending. A plant of rocky subalpine and alpine ridges.

Tweedy's Ivesia, Tweedy's Mousetail: Ivesia tweedyi -

Paul Slichter