Cusick's Serviceberry, Western Serviceberry
Amelanchier cusickii var. cusickii
Synonyms: Amelanchier alnifolia var. cusickii, Amelanchier basalticola, Amelanchier cusickii, Amelanchier florida, Amelanchier florida var. cusickii
This photo shows a close-up of the flower of Cusick's serviceberry as seen along the Hells Canyon Rim Road in the Hells Canyon NRA.........June 28, 2008. Note the 5 styles and the mostly glabrous surface to the ovary, a way to distinguish this from the similar variety
alnifolia (which also has petals less than 12 mm long).
This photo shows a close-up of the dorsal surface of a leaf of Cusick's serviceberry as seen along the Hells Canyon Rim Road in the Hells Canyon NRA.........June 28, 2008. Note the serrate teeth (tips of teeth oriented forwards) along the margin.
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These 3 photo show close-up views of the petals and flower of Cusick's serviceberry as seen along the Hells Canyon Rim Road in the Hells Canyon NRA.........June 28, 2008. The petals of Cusick's serviceberry tend to be 16-25 mm long and up to 8.5 mm wide.
Maturing fruits of Cusick's serviceberry observed on Missoula Flood sandbars above the Little Spokane River......June 27, 2020.
The photo above shows the maturing fruits of Cusick's serviceberry as seen in wetlands about a mile south of Thomason Meadows at the Wallowa-Whitman National Forest Boundary..........Jully 9, 2007.
This photo shows Cusick's serviceberry as seen along the Hells Canyon Rim Road in the Hells Canyon NRA.........June 28, 2008. The Seven Devils Mts. in Idaho can be seen in the distance.
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Additional close-up photos of the flowers and leaves of Cusick's serviceberry as seen at the Lawrence Memorial Grasslands several miles southwest of Shaniko, OR.........May 15, 2010. Note the long and broad petals, long sepals, glabrous green leaves with serrate margins and greenish upper surface of the ovary.
Cusick's serviceberry observed in bloom on open slopes on prehistoric Missoula Flood sandbars along the Little Spokane River near the former Spokane Country Club, Spokane County, WA.......May 4, 2019.
Paul Slichter