Chamisso's Montia, Toad Lily, Water Miner's-lettuce, Water Montia
Montia chamissoi
Synonym: Claytonia chamissoi
This photo shows a close-up of the flower of water montia (with pollinating ants?) as seen in meadows along Road #4670 at Billy Meadows Guard Station in the northern Wallowa-Whitman N.F.........June
28, 2008.
at right of water montia from the headwaters of Degarmo Cr., Hart Mt.
National Antelope Refuge........July 4, 1996.
Water montia is a perennial with wide spreading rhizomes, with
leafless stolons that root freely. The flower stems are erect, from 5-20 cm
tall, and simple to branched. The leaves are opposite on the stems with several
pairs of leaves present. Individual leaves are 2-5 cm long, oblanceolate to
rhombic-obovate in shape, and from 5-17 mm wide. The leaves narrow gradually
to a short petiole.
The inflorescence is a lax lax raceme arising from a leaf axil.
3-10 white or pink flowers are present. The 5 petals range from 5-8 mm long
while the two green sepals are 2-3 mm long.
Like other members of this genus, water montia may be eaten
either raw, in salads, or cooked.
Very moist places such as bogs or grassy wetlands and seeps
at low to medium elevation.
Water montia may be found from Alaska south to California (In
the Pacific Northwest, it is found mostly east of the Cascades.) To the east,
it may be found as far as Minnesota, Manitoba, Iowa, and south to New Mexico.

This photo shows the leaves and a few flowers of water montia as seen in meadows along Road #4670 at Billy Meadows Guard Station in the northern Wallowa-Whitman N.F........June
28, 2008.
Water montia as seen along Bond Creek several hundred meters south of Hot Springs Campground, Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge.........June 11, 2016.

Water montia observed in drying water channels along Indian Creek, northwest corner of Big Summit Prairie, Ochoco National Forest.......May 27, 2018. Note the stolons spreading through the air to establish new plants away from the 'parent'.
Paul Slichter