Linear-leaved Springbeauty, Streambank Springbeauty
Claytonia parviflora ssp. parviflora
Synonyms: Claytonia perfoliata var. parviflora, Montia parviflora, Montia perfoliata var. parviflora
The photo above shows the united stem leaves and long, thin basal leaves of streambank springbeauty growing in the shade of a basalt block. The small white flowers at the lower edge of the photo is spring whitlow grass (Draba verna). Photographed near Hog Lake east of Sprague, WA.........April 29, 2006.
Streambank springbeauty as seen in recently burned coniferous forest along the Knothead Valley Trail in the Little Spokane River Natural Area.......May 9, 2016.
Streambank springbeauty as photographed in the Columbia River Gorge.
Paul Slichter