[The Potato or Nightshade Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Wild Tobacco East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Nicotiana

Coyote Tobacco Nicotiana attenuata

Coyote tobacco: Nicotiana attenuata

Manyflower Tobacco, Many-flowered Tobacco: Nicotiana acuminata var. multiflora - Leaves often wider and herbage more densely haired, the hairs longer, shaggy and more glandular than the species below. Calyx with 5 main veins (1 per lobe) black-striped. Calyx lobes linear, 5-7 mm long, equal to or longer than the calyx tube. Corolla tube up to 6 cm long with flaring limb 12-22 mm wide. Found near Clarno, OR.

Coyote Tobacco Nicotiana attenuata - Leaves often narrower and the herbage shorter, less shaggy and less glandular than the species above. Calyx lobes not black-striped. The calyx lobes not linear but instead are triangular in outline. Corolla tube up to 3.5 cm long with the flaring limb 10-14 mm wide. Found east of the Cascade Mts. from British Columbia south to Mexico and east through the Pacific Northwest to Idaho and south through Nevada to Arizona and New Mexico.

Paul Slichter E-mail