[Jacob's Ladders: The Genus Polemonium East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]

Showy Jacob's Ladder, Moving Polemonium, Low Jacob's-ladder

Polemonium californicum

Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

The photo above shows showy jacob's ladder as seen at PO Saddle at the end of the Hells Canyon Rim Road in Hells Canyon NRA.........June 28, 2008.

Showy Jacob's Ladder, Moving Polemonium, Low Jacob's-ladder: Polemonium californicum (Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum) - Showy Jacob's Ladder, Moving Polemonium, Low Jacob's-ladder: Polemonium californicum (Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum)

Showy Jacob's ladder spotted in bloom at the Road's End Trailhead near the end of FS Road 4016, Malheur National Forest.....July 7, 2023.

Flower of Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

The photo above shows a close-up of a flower of showy Jacob's ladder as seen along the road to King's Mt. at ~ 4160' on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams........May 28, 2005.

Calyx and corolla of Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

The photo above shows a close-up sideview of the flowers and calyx of showy Jacob's ladder as seen along the road to King's Mt. at ~ 4160' on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams..........May 28, 2005.

Inflorescence of Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

The photo above shows the flowers of showy Jacob's ladder as seen along the road to King's Mt. at ~ 4160' on the southeastern side of Mt. Adams..........May 28, 2005.

Pinnately compound leaf of Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

The basal leaf of showy jacob's ladder as seen in a cleft in a cliff at 6700' on the Ridge of Wonders. The leaflets are each 10-20 mm long while the blade is a good 15 cm long..........August 12, 2006. Note that the terminal 3 leaflets are partially joined at the base, a characteristic of this species.

Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum - Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

Two close-ups of low jacob's ladder as seen on Wedge Mt., Wenatchee National Forest.........June 8, 2009. This is an attractive plant useful for the woodland garden or at the back of the rock garden.

Glandular calyx of Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum - Basal leaf of Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum

Close-ups of the glandular calyx and pinnately compound leaf of low jacob's ladder as seen on Wedge Mt., Wenatchee National Forest........June 8, 2009. Note again the terminal 3 leaflets that are partially joined at the base as well as the hairy appearance of the leaflets.

Showy Jacob's Ladder, Moving Polemonium, Low Jacob's-ladder: Polemonium californicum (Synonyms: Polemonium columbianum, Polemonium pulcherrimum ssp. tricolor, Polemonium pucherrimum var. calycinum)

California polemonium growing at the meadow edge at Indian Springs Campground, Malheur National Forest.......July 1, 2010.

Paul Slichter