[Unidentified Phloxes East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Unidentified Phlox #11

Phlox sp. ?

Unidentified Phlox #11

Unidentified phlox #11 as seen on gravelly soils near the summit of Antelope Mountain, southern Malheur National Forest.........June 3, 2011.

Leaves and calyx of Unidentified Phlox #11 - Leaves of Unidentified Phlox #11 - Close-up of the flower of Unidentified Phlox #11

Additional close-up photos of unidentified phlox #11 as seen on gravelly soils near the summit of Antelope Mountain, southern Malheur National Forest........June 3, 2011.

Paul Slichter E-mail