[The Pea Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Crazy-weeds, Stemless-locoweeds and Oxytropes East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Oxytropis


Sticky Locoweed, Sticky Crazyweed: Oxytropis borealis var. viscida (Synonyms: Aragallus viscidulus, Aragallus viscidulus var. depressus, Oxytropis gaspensis, Oxytropis ixodes, Oxytropis leucantha var. depressus, Oxytropis leucantha var. gaspensis, Oxytropis leucantha var. ixodes, Oxytropis leucantha var. magnifica, Oxytropis leucantha var. viscida, Oxytropis viscida, Oxytropis viscida var. viscida) - Stems short or absent, with only leafless flower stems above the cluster of basal leaves. Stems glandular and sticky. Pods spreading toa scending. Flowers cream to purple, 10-15 mm long.

Field Crazyweed: Oxytropis campestris var. columbiana (Synonym: Oxytropis columbiana) - Stems short or absent, with only leafless flower stems above the cluster of basal leaves. Plants not sticky or glandular. Flowers white and 10-20 mm long, the keel purple-spotted. Leaflets generally number less than 17.

Cusick's Crazyweed, Cusick's Locoweed, Field Crazyweed: Oxytropis campestris var. cusickii (Synonyms: Oxytropis alpicola, Oxytropis campestris var. rydbergii, Oxytropis cusickii, Oxytropis rydbergii) - Stems short or absent, with only leafless flower stems above the cluster of basal leaves. Plants not sticky or glandular. Flowers whitish-yellow, 10-20 mm long, the keel not purple spotted. Flower stems usually less than 15 cm long. Leaflets usually less than 17.

Field Crazyweed, Yellow-flower Locoweed: Oxytropis campestris var. spicata (Synonyms: Oxytropis campestris ssp. gracilis, Oxytropis campestris var. cervinus, Oxytropis campestris var. gracilis, Oxytropis gracilis, Oxytropis luteola, Oxytropis monticola, Oxytropis sericea var. spicata, Oxytropis villosa) - Stems short or absent, with only leafless flower stems above the cluster of basal leaves. Plants not sticky or glandular. Flowers whitish-yellow, 10-20 mm long, the keel not purple spotted. Flower stems typically more than 15 cm long. leaves usually with more than 17 leaflets.

Field Crazyweed, Wanapum Crazyweed: Oxytropis campestris var. wanapum -

Blue Pendant-pod Oxytrope, Pendant-podded Crazyweed: Oxytropis deflexa var. sericea - Pods pendulous. Stems 3-20 cm long, often leafy. Flowers white to bluish-purple, 6-10 mm long.

Rocky Mountain Oxytropis, Silky Crazyweed: Oxytropis sericea var. sericea - Stems short or absent, with only leafless flower stems above the cluster of basal leaves. Plants not sticky or glandular. Flowers lemon to sulfur yellow, 15-27 mm long.

Paul Slichter E-mail