Dwarf Lupine, Pacific Lupine
Lupinus lepidus var. lepidus
Synonyms: Lupinus lepidus ssp. lepidus, Lupinus minimus
Dwarf lupine as seen at left on gravelly and sandy slopes of Missoula Flood sandbars along the Little Spokane River near the Spokane Country Club, Spokane County, WA.........May 23, 2010. This species is similar to prairie lupine (Lupinus lepidus var. aridus) which has a raceme that begins below the level of the leaf blades while that of var. lepidus generally has the base of the raceme that begins about even with or above the level of the leaf blades as seen here.. The photo at right is of dwarf lupine as seen on gravelly Missoula Flood sand bar slopes near the old Spokane Country Club, Spokane County, WA......May 7, 2019.
Additional close-up photos of dwarf lupine as seen on gravelly and sandy slopes of Missoula Flood sandbars along the Little Spokane River near the Spokane Country Club, Spokane County, WA.........May 23, 2010.
Dwarf lupine as seen on a bald along Summit Drive, Umatilla National Forest...........June 11, 2013. The inflorescences aren't as extended above the leaves as the plants in the photo above, so these could be variety aridus? Note the variant that lacks blue pigmentation in its flowers.
Paul Slichter