Timber Milkvetch, Timber Milk-vetch, Weedy Milkvetch
Astragalus miser var. serotinus
Synonyms: Astragalus decumbens var. serotinus, Astragalus serotinus

Timber milkvetch as seen at Davis Canyon Natural Area Preserve, Okanogan County, Washington........June 11, 2011.
Additional close-up photos of the flowers, raceme and stem leaf of timber milkvetch as seen at Davis Canyon Natural Area Preserve, Okanogan County, Washington.........June 11, 2011.
Timber milkvetch as seen on slopes to the east of Lost Lake Fen, Okanogan National Forest..........July 12, 2015.
Timber milkvetch as seen on open bull pine forest slopes along River Park Lane in the western portion of the Little Spokane River Natural Area.........May 9, 2016.
Paul Slichter