The photo above shows the prostrate John Day milk-vetch as seen on slopes above the John Day River..........April 8, 2007.
The photo above shows a close-up of a raceme of John Day milk-vetch as seen on slopes above the John Day River...........April 8, 2007. Note the notches visible in the tips of some of the leaflets.
The photo above shows the prostrate John Day milk-vetch as seen on slopes above the John Day River..........April 8, 2007. Note the numerous hairs on the stem and underside and marigns of the leaflets.
The photo above shows a close-up of the fruit of John Day milk-vetch as seen on slopes above the John Day River.........May 28, 2007. Note the whitish hairs that largely lie flat against the pod.
The photo above shows a close-up of the fruit of John Day milk-vetch as seen on slopes above the John Day River..........May 28, 2007. Note the deep groove along the length of the lower surface and the whitish hairs that largely lie flat against the pod.
The photo above shows a close-up of the flower of John Day milk-vetch as seen on slopes above the John Day River.........April 8, 2007. Note the dark to whitish hairs that largely lie flat against the calyx.
The photo above shows the prostrate John Day milk-vetch as seen on slopes above the John Day River.........April 8, 2007.