[Sickle Milk-vetch: Astragalus curvicarpus]
[Milkvetches: The Genus Astragalus East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]
Sickle Milkvetch, Sickle Milk-vetch
Astragalus curvicarpus var. curvicarpus
Synonyms: Astragalus gibbsii, Astragalus speirocarpus, Astragalus whitedii, Astragalus whitedii var. whitedii

milkvetch (var. curvicarpus) as seen at Silver Creek Marsh Campground, Fremont National Forest........May 20, 2016.
photo at right shows the leaf of sickle milk-vetch (var. curvicarpus) from Domingo Pass Rd, Pueblo Mts of Southeast, OR..........6/25/99.
Varieties of Sickle Milk-vetch:
variety brachycodon - Ovary and mature pod glabrous.
Calyx 6-8.5 mm long. Banner 13.5-15.5 mm long. Keel 9.5-11.5 mm long. leaflets
pubescent on the upper surfaces. Found on the upper reaches of the Deschutes
River from about 20 miles NE of Madras, OR south into Jefferson, Crook and Deschutes
variety curvicarpus - Ovary and mature pod pubescent.
Banner 16-20 mm long. Keel 12-15 mm long. Upper surface of leaflets pubescent
(See photo below.). Found from the southwestern edge of the Blue Mts. of Oregon
south to Klamath Falls, OR and east across Lake County to Malheur and Harney
Counties and east into the Snake River Plains of southern Idaho and south to
California and Nevada.
variety subglaber -
Ovary and mature pod glabrous. Calyx 9-13.5 mm long. Banner 13.9-19.5 mm long.
Keel 11.5-14.5 mm long. Leaflets nearly glabrous. Found near the lower reaches
of the Deschutes and John Day Rivers of Grant and Wasco Counties south to northern
Jefferson County.
milkvetch (var. curvicarpus) as seen at Silver Creek Marsh Campground, Fremont National Forest........May 20, 2016.
Sickle milkvetch as seen on the east-facing slopes of the Hart Mt. ridgeline west of Hot Springs Campground, Hart Mt. National Antelope Refuge.........June 9, 2016.

The photo above shows a pod of sickle milk-vetch
(variety curvicarpus) as seen at Blue Mt. Pass on US Highway 95 in extreme
southeastern Oregon.........June 26, 1999. The
pods may be fishhook in appearance or fully coiled like the picture below. The
pubescence present on this variety of sickle milk-vetch is not evident in this

Photo of the pods of sickle milkvetch (Astragalus
curvicarpus var. curvicarpus) near Domingo Pass, Pueblo Mts......6/25/99.

The photo above shows a stem of sickle milk-vetch
(variety curvicarpus) as seen at Blue Mt. Pass on US Highway 95 in extreme
southeastern Oregon.........June 26, 1999.

The photo above shows the raceme of sickle
milk-vetch (var. curvicarpus) near Summer Lake, Or......June, 1995.
Paul Slichter