[Wildflowers with 5 Petals East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

The Oxalis Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington




Members of the Oxalis Family Found East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington:

Creeping Yellow Wood-sorrel, Creeping Yellow Wood-sorrel: Oxalis corniculata (Synonym: Oxalis violacea) - Weedy species of yards, gardens and disturbed places. Flowers yellow, the petals 4-9 mm long. Plants have creeping stems that root at the axils with the upright portion of the stem with green to purplish stems and leaves. Leaves trifoliate, the leaflets heart-shaped, with the point connected to the petiole.

Graygreen Sorrel, Slender Yellow Wood-sorrel, Southern Yellow Wood Sorrel: Oxalis dillenii (Synonym: Oxalis corniculata var. dillenii)

Common Yellow Oxalis, Yellow Wood-sorrel: Oxalis stricta (Synonyms: Oxalis ambigua, Oxalis bushii, Oxalis coloradensis, Oxalis cymosa, Oxalis europaea, Oxalis fontana, Oxalis interior, Oxalis rufa) -

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