Downy Bluecurls, Downy Blue Curls, Mountain Bluecurls, Mountain Blue Curls, Oblong Bluecurls
Trichostema oblongum
Close-up of the flowers of oblong bluecurls as seen in the Klickitat State Wildlife Area.........June 28, 2009.
The photograph above shows a close-up sideview
of the flower of oblong bluecurls. Note the long, arched filaments extending
above the petals. Photographed in Conboy NWR........July 2, 2006.
The photograph above shows a close-up view of the inflorescence
and upper leaves of oblong bluecurls. Note the long, slender calyx lobes and
the numerous long, spreading hairs covering both surfaces of the leaves, the
calyx lobes and the stems. Photographed in Conboy NWR.........July 2, 2006.
A close-up of the paired, oblanceolate
leaves of oblong bluecurls. Photographed in Conboy NWR.........July 2,
Paul Slichter