Oregon Checkermallow, Oregon Checker-mallow
Sidalcea oregana ssp. oregana
Synonyms: Sidalcea maxima, Sidalcea oregana var. maxima, Sidalcea oregana var. oregana, Sidalcea oregana var. procera
Oregon checkermallow blooming at the headquarters of Turnbull National Wildlife Refuge......July 4, 2018.

Oregon checkermallow blooming on slopes above Summit Drive several miles north of Ruckel Ridge, Umatilla National Forest.........July 24, 2012.
Close-ups of the inflorescence of Oregon checkermallow blooming on slopes above Summit Drive several miles north of Ruckel Ridge, Umatilla National Forest..........July 24, 2012.
The photo at left shows Oregon checker-mallow
(probably variety oregana) as seen in upland meadows along the North Steens
Mt. Loop about 100 meters northeast of Lily Lk.........August 3, 1995. The photo at right shows a close-up of the inflorescence of Oregon checker-mallow (either var. oregana or spicata) as seen in wetlands around the North Fork Crooked River about one and one-quarter miles south of the junction of FS Roads 42 and 4215, Ochoco National Forest........June 12, 2015.
Oregon checker-mallow observed along a vernally wet drainage north of Box Canyon Road and between Rock Creek and Box Canyon Creek in the Simcoe Mountain Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area........July 1, 2020.
Oregon checker-mallow observed along the Fremont-Winema National Recreation Trail on the west-facing slopes of Twelvemile Peak, Fremont-Winema National Forest......August 2, 2020.
Late-blooming Oregon checker-mallow observed along Porter Creek, about one mile northwest of Deep Creek Campground, Ochoco National Forest......September 24, 2023.

The photo above shows a close-up of a much
dissected leaf from midstem. Photographed along the North Steens Mt. Loop about
100 meters northeast of Lily Lk..........August 3, 1995.
Paul Slichter