Thin-leaved Huckleberry, Big Huckleberry, Tall Huckleberry, Square-twig Blueberry
Vaccinium membranaceum
Synonyms: Vaccinium coccinium, Vaccinium globulare
A close-up of the serrate-margined leaves, angled twigs and maturing berry
of thinleaf huckleberry as seen along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness.........August 19, 2011.
Leaves of thinleaf huckleberry as seen at the trailhead adjacent to Strawberry Campground, Malheur National Forest...........August 11, 2015.
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Close-up views of the serrate-margined stem leaves and angled twigs of thinleaf huckleberry as seen along the Canyon Mountain Trail #218, Strawberry Mountain Wilderness........August 19, 2011. Note the leaf margins which are serrate much of their length.
Thinleaf huckleberry as seen several miles uphill along the East Fork Lostine River Trail #1662 from the trailhead, Eagle Cap Wilderness.........August 4, 2016.
Paul Slichter