[Goosefoots and Pigweeds: The Genus Chenopodium East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Leafy Goosefoot

Chenopodium foliosum

Synonym: Chenopodium virgatum

Leafy Goosefoot: Chenopodium foliosum (Synonym: Chenopodium virgatum) - Leafy Goosefoot: Chenopodium foliosum (Synonym: Chenopodium virgatum)

Two close-up images of the leafy stem and axillary inflorescences of leafy gooseffot. All photos on this page were photographed at Chief Joseph Viewpoint in northeastern Oregon.......June 28, 2006.

Leafy Goosefoot: Chenopodium foliosum (Synonym: Chenopodium virgatum) - Leafy Goosefoot: Chenopodium foliosum (Synonym: Chenopodium virgatum)

Paul Slichter