Stalk-leaved Monkeyflower
Erythranthe patula
Synonym: Mimulus patulus ssp. patulus, Mimulus patulus var. patulus, Mimulus patula

Stalk-leaved monkeyflower blooming in the Asotin Wildlife Area, Asotin County, WA.........June 4, 2017.
Additional close-up images of stalk-leaved monkeyflower blooming in the Asotin Wildlife Area, Asotin County, WA.........June 4, 2017.
Stalk-leaved monkey flower as photographed at seeps along the trail between Buckhorn Lookout and Eureka Bar in the Wallowa-Whitman N.F.........June 27, 2008. Note the numerous spreading, minute, gland-tipped hairs covering the leaves, stems and calyx.
Stalk-leaved monkeyflowers in bloom at vernally moist meadows along Hat Point Road near Memaloose, Hells Canyon National Recreation Area......June 26, 2007.
Paul Slichter