[Buttercups: The Genus Ranunculus East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup

Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii

Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius ssp. hartwegii

Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii)

Plantained-leaf buttercup (var. hartwegii) as seen from along forest service road #35 (Reecer Creek Road), Wenatchee National Forest........June 5, 2009.


Plantain-leaf buttercup is a small to fairly large buttercup of wet places with one to several erect, sometimes hollow stems from 15-60 cm long. The stems do not root at the nodes and the stems may also be branched within the inflorescence. The leaves are both basal and found on the stems. The basal leaves have slender petioles with blades up to 15 cm long and from 1-2.5 cm wide. The stem leaves are short-petiolate or sessile, but with blades similar in shape to the basal leaves. The stem leaves may be opposite or alternate.

The one to numerous flowers are found on the upper stems. The flower peidicels may be up to 15 cm long when in fruit. The 5 sepals are greenish and somewhat hairy, ranging from 3-5 mm long. The 5 petals are yellow and 5-10 mm long. The stamens number from 25-90 while the smooth pistils number 10-60 with straight stylar beaks.


Plantain-leaf buttercup is found in swales and pond margins, along streambanks or in moist alpine meadows.


Plantain-leaf buttercup is widespread in distribution throughout the western United States, and southwestern Canada.

Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii) - Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii) - Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii)

Hartweg's buttercup beginning to bloom in wet meadows adjacent to the Silver Creek Marsh Campground, Fremont-Winema National Forest.........April 30, 2017.

Hartweg's Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii) - Hartweg's Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii)

Hartweg's buttercup as seen in a moist meadow at the east end of Maxwell Lake, Eagle Cap Wilderness.........August 3, 2016.

Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii) - Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii)

Hartweg's butterucp as seen at left in the open wetland areas of Logan Valley, Malheur National Forest..........June 5, 2011. The photo at right shows Hartweg's buttercup in bloom in a stream along Forest Road 3915 in the Bald Hills, Fremont-Winema National Forest......June 30, 2019.

Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii) - Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii) - Hartweg's Buttercup, Plantain-leaf Buttercup: Ranunculus alismifolius var. hartwegii (Synonym: Ranunculus alismaefolius var. hartwegii)

Hartweg's buttercup observed in moist areas along the Hanan Trail #142, Fremont-Winema National Forest.......June 17, 2020.

Paul Slichter