[Larkspurs: The Genus Delphinium East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur, Upland Larkspur

Delphinium lineapetalum

Synonyms: Delphinium lineapetalum, Delphinium lineapetalum ssp. klickitatense

Close-up sideview of the flower of Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur: Delphinium lineapetalum (Synonym: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum)

Thinpetal larkspur as seen along the Iron Creek Trail #1351 in the Wenatchee National Forest...........July 9, 2010. Note the long, gland-tipped hairs spreading from the pedicel, the black lined markings on the notched petals, and the stamens which are not hidden by the petals.

Frontal view of the flower of Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur: Delphinium lineapetalum (Synonym: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum) - Close-up sideview of the flower of Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur: Delphinium lineapetalum (Synonym: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum)

Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur, Upland Larkspur: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum (Synonyms: Delphinium lineapetalum, Delphinium lineapetalum ssp. klickitatense) - Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur: Delphinium lineapetalum (Synonym: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum) - Close-up of the raceme of Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur: Delphinium lineapetalum (Synonym: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum)

Additional photos of thinpetal larkspur as seen along the Iron Creek Trail #1351 in the Wenatchee National Forest...........July 9, 2010.

Flowers of Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur, Upland Larkspur: Delphinium lineapetalum (Synonyms: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum, Delphinium lineapetalum ssp. klickitatense) - Thinpetal Larkspur, Thin-petal Larkspur, Upland Larkspur: Delphinium lineapetalum (Synonyms: Delphinium nuttallianum var. lineapetalum, Delphinium lineapetalum ssp. klickitatense)

Thinpetal larkspur observed on BLM lands along Box Canyon Road about one-quarter of a mile east of the gated trailhead on Simcoe Mountains Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area lands.....May 22, 2022.

Paul Slichter