[Anemones and Windflowers: The Genus Anemone East of the Cascade Mts. of Oregon and Washington]
Piper's Anemone, Piper's Windflower
Anemone piperi
Piper's anemone as seen along the North Fork Catherine Creek Trail #1905, Eagle Creek Wilderness.......June 12, 2018.
photo at right shows Piper's anemone as seen near the northwestern edge of the
Wenaha-Toucannon Wilderness in southeastern Washington.........June 28,
Piper's anemone is an attractive perennial wildflower with glabrous herbage
and usually one (occasionally several) stems arising from 15-35 cm high, topped
by single flowers. If present, the single basal leaf is trifoliolate with coarsely
double-toothed margins. The lateral pair of leaflets may be bilobed over half
their length. The 3 involucral leaves are each trifoliolate heavily strigillose
with similar shape to the basal leaves. The involucral leaves are larger however,
the leaflet blades measuring up to 7 cm long.
The 5-7 whitish sepals are oval in shape and 12-16 mm long, often with pinkish
to purplish outer surfaces. The stamens usually number from 35-55. The style
is straight, glabrous, and measures from 1.5-2 mm long.
The species is named in honor of Professor C.V. Piper from type specimens he
collected in 1893 in Latah County, Idaho.
Piper's anemone is found in shady, moist coniferous forests
in the mountains.
Piper's anemone is found from the Blue Mts. of northeastern
Oregon and southwestern Washington east through central Idaho to Mineral County
in Montana.
The photo at left shows Piper's anemone as seen along Forest Service Road #4670 in meadows at Billy Meadows Guard Station in the northern Wallowa-Whitman N.F...........June 26, 2008.
The photo at right shows a close-up of the leaves and flowers of Piper's anemone as seen along Forest Road #4650 about one mile east of Haystack Rock at the eastern side of Chief Joseph Canyon in the northern Wallowa-Whitman National Forest..........June 26, 2008.
The photo above shows a close-up of Piper's anemone as seen near 6150 feet along Forest Service Road #40 several miles north of Misery Springs in the Umatilla National Forest of southeastern Washington..........June 25, 2007.
Two photos showing close-up views of the leaf and flower of Piper's anemone as seen near 6150 feet along Forest Service Road #40 several miles north of Misery Springs in the Umatilla National Forest of southeastern Washington...........June 25, 2007.
Piper's anemone at left blooming along the trail around Jubilee Lake, Umatilla National Forest..........July 1, 2012.
The photo at right shows Piper's anemon in bloom at Teal Springs Forest Camp, Umatilla National Forest......June 18, 2023.
Piper's anemone blooming at left along Summit Drive to the northeast of the North Fork Umatilla Wilderness........June 11, 2013. The photo at right shows Piper's anemone blooming along one of the loop trails in Fields Springs State Park, Asotin County, Washington.........June 11, 2013.
Paul Slichter