Torrey's Cat's Eye, Torrey's Cryptantha
Cryptantha torreyana
Synonyms: Cryptantha calycosa, Cryptantha eastwoodiae, Cryptantha flexulosa, Cryptantha torreyana var. calycosa, Cryptantha torreyana var. pumila, Cryptantha torreyana var. torreyana

Close-up of the inflorescence of Torrey's cat's-eye as seen on dry, open slopes several hundred meters south of the Puffer Butte Warming Hut, Fields Springs State Park, Asotin County, Washington............June 11, 2013.
Close-ups of the nutlets (lower left), calyces (lower right) and whole plants of Torrey's cat's-eye as seen on dry, open slopes several hundred meters south of the Puffer Butte Warming Hut, Fields Springs State Park, Asotin County, Washington............June 11, 2013.

Torrey's cat's-eye blooming on balds atop Bickleton Ridge, Bickleton Ridge Unit of the Klickitat Wildlife Area..........June 17, 2017.
What appears to be Torrey's cat's-eye as seen on sandy Bretz Flood deposits at the southern base of Steamboat Rock, Steamboat Rock State Park...........June 1, 2013.
What appears to be Torrey's cat's-eye as seen at a small borrow pit along Road 35 about one-half mile uphill from the southern forest boundary on Table Mountain, Wenatchee National Forest...........June 14, 2013.
Paul Slichter