[The Plantain Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Plantains East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genus Plantago

Woolly Plantain: Plantago patagonica

Cutleaf Plantain: Plantago coronopus - Usually a species of the Pacific beaches, this was collected along the Columbia River near Boardman, OR.

Hairy-fruited Plantain, Redwool Plantain, Saline Plantain: Plantago eriopoda (Synonym: Plantago shastensis)

Buckhorn Plantain, English Plantain, Narrowleaf Plantain: Plantago lanceolata (Synonyms: Plantago altissima, Plantago lanceolata var. sphaerostachya) - Leaf blades narrow. Herbage mostly glabrous with tan-woolly hairs only at the leaf bases. Perennial.

Broadleaf Plantain, Common Plantain, Great Plantain, Nippleseed: Plantago major (Synonyms: Plantago major var. intermedia, Plantago major var. major, Plantago major var. pachyphylla, Plantago major var. pilgeri, Plantago major var. scopulorum) - Leaf blades broad, generally 1 to 2.5 times longer than wide. Plants glabrous. Perennial.

Indian-wheat, Woolly Plantain: Plantago patagonica (Synonym: Plantago purshii) - Leaf blades narrow. Herbage consists of dense, white-woolly hairs. Annual.

Mexican Plantain, Naked Plantain, Tall Coastal Plantain: Plantago subnuda (Synonym: Plantago hirtella)

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