[The Mustard Family East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington]

Candytufts and Pennycresses East of the Cascade Mountains of Oregon and Washington

The Genera Noccaea and Thlaspi

Alpine Pennycress: Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca

Alpine Pennycress: Noccaea fendleri ssp. glauca

Fanweed, Field Pennycress, Pennycress, Stinkweed: Thlaspi arvense (Synonym: Teruncius arvensis) - Glabrous annual. Pods roundish with a broad margin and a deep notch at the top.

Alpine Pennycress, Glaucous Pennycress, Rock Pennycress, Wild Candytuft: Thlaspi montanum (Synonyms: Noccaea montana, Thlaspi alpestre, Thlaspi fendleri, Thlaspi fendleri var. glaucum, Thlaspi montanum var. monanum) - Glaucous perennial. Pod shield-shaped with a narrow margin, the top either not notched or shallowly notched.

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